Summer with Clarins


What is not to love about Summer?

My hair gets lighter, my skin gets darker, and the benefits of Vitamin D (also known as the “sunshine vitamin”) are endless. Not to mention that all the best songs are ones made about Summer (in my opinion πŸ˜‰ ! It is just the happiest time of year!

I am a lover of all things gold, bronze, copper, and anything in between, which is why you can only imagine how I squealed with joy when I laid my eyes on the Clarins Summer 2017 collection! #HeartEyesEmoji

Continue reading “Summer with Clarins”

Baby’s best buys :)

Every since my maiden post back in August on my Top 12 Baby Essentials, I have been overwhelmed by the number of messages I have received from new and expectant mommies, and how they felt my post helped them. I cannot explain how happy this makes me! To know I can help in some tiny way is all I want from this blog.

I have been promising a full write up on what I would recommend you buy when expecting a babe, so finally, here it is! I have given a list that is probably missing a few things, but hopefully pretty comprehensive. In some cases I have added pics where I thought they might help. I hope that if you are expecting, that this helps guide you a little bit.

Continue reading “Baby’s best buys :)”

Let’s Camp Out!

I hate keeping secrets, especially from my boys, and most especially when it is something fun or exciting for them, Continue reading “Let’s Camp Out!”

What’s breast for you {& your babe}?

It’s #WorldBreastfeedingWeek, and over this past week my inbox has been flooded with emails entitled or including the #breastisbest slogan. Instagram has been filled with {beautiful} breastfeeding pictures and controversial discussions around the topic.

While I personally have never been one to share any {revealing} images of me breastfeeding, prior to today of course ;), every #breastisbest hashtag has pushed me a little more to share my feelings on the topic. But before I share my feelings on the matter, here is some background on my three b/feeding experiences:

Continue reading “What’s breast for you {& your babe}?”

My personal space

My first blog post on my new blog

Hello, welcome! And thank you for visiting my blog.

This is a space for me to share and connect with whoever chooses to or mistakenly πŸ˜‰ comes across this space. There are no rules that I will follow. I won’t post weekly or routinely. I’ll post about life, marriage, motherhood, joys and struggles, and everything in-between. Β It will be my place to share what is on my heart as and when I feel the desire to do so. Sometimes that desire comes on strong and I have no choice but to put my feelings into black and white or I fear they burn within me #dramaticmuch – but it’s true. When I feel the need to share something it will repeat on my heart and mind constantly and until I ‘obey’. And so you are looking at my open journal. If my words touch or connect with even one person then they were worth writing.

I hope you enjoy. If you do please subscribe and share xx



