Updated media statement from Netcare

The doctors met with Netcare on Friday morning in a very productive meeting to discuss the situation they found themselves in after Netcare’s announcement to close Paed & Maternity wards. 

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1, 2, 3… LEGO!

I don’t know about all you other mums, but there are very few other activities that keep my kids engaged and entertained as long as LEGO® does! All three of my children absolutely love LEGO® building, but no one as much as my eldest, Jackson. He truly blows us away with his imagination and creations.

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Brooklyn’s 4th Birthday

My little girl turned FOUR in Feb this year (2021), and she knew exactly what she wanted for her party. She is a real little lady who loves all things pamper & beauty, and so a Pamper Party was the perfect fit for our princess B.

Seeing as we are still amid a global pandemic we took care to keep her party small, inviting only the children she plays closely with in her class, a couple of her besties-since-birth outside of school, and their mamas. This meant no siblings allowed – not even her brothers. 🙁

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An open letter to white mamas

On 2 June 2020 we stood together in unity and blacked out our social media with a movement that was, in my opinion, a well overdue deep-dive into issues that still plague our world. Being a white, priviledged mama raising white children in South Africa I have, especially in the past months, felt an incredible need to learn as much as possible, to enable me to share as much as possible so we are all empowered with knowledge and the know-how to DO better. That little black square that on the 2nd helped me feel like I was supporting, by the 3rd of June brought with it a deep guilt that I wasn’t doing enough. So on June 4th 2020, after wracking my brain on trying to figure out a way to be part of the change that we so need, I decided to ask for help. I reached out to a woman of colour who I highly respect and have grown to love; the gorgeous Leanne Dlamini.
Leanne graciously accepted the challenge and I received her message to us white mamas in my inbox today. It really touched me, enlightened me, and given me some pointers to help me do right by my children – to open their eyes and hearts, in order to do right by ALL children, here and abroad.

Before we get to Leanne’s open letter to all white mamas, I want to share an experience I had with Jackson. You will see that Leanne roasts me in her piece 😉 the back-story to that is; Long-story short, month-end May, just ahead of 2 June black out, our business’ driver drove our Gogo (nanny) and domestic workers both home for the weekend. As they drove away Jackson turned to me and said something that stuck me and made me feel as though I had failed him. He said, “Mommy it is so strange to see three brown people in a car”. He adores his Gogo more than anything in the world – his second mother, and even though his comment was full of naive innocence, my heart literally ached as the words left his lips. He has friends of colour at school. His best friend is coloured. But it was clear to me that from his observation, through his eyes, he was not seeing enough diversity. I knew instantly that needed to change.

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A letter to my 3 year old daughter

My beautiful baby girl. You are three and whenever I allow my mind to truly sit on that fact for more than a few seconds, my heart starts to hurt a little. My baby girl is already three years old. My last born is no longer a baby, but a real-life little lady. And what a little lady you are, my girl. A little fairy to be more precise. A little fairy-angel-child who runs around on her tippy toes, bringing life and joy and peace with you wherever you wander, thanks to your little smile and that cheeky glint in your eye. You are as much a little lady as you are a little tom-boy. A true contradiction. As much as you adore wearing a tutu and prancing around the living room doing ‘ballet’, you also have just as much fun racing around on your scooter and running around the garden with your brothers.

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Kid-friendly TV

If your household is anything like ours during the Lockdown then your TV is likely to be on a little more than “normal”. I hit a little wobble the other day when I walked into the lounge after being stuck in my office and Jordy had put the TV on by himself and was busy watching Goosebumps!!! Oh my gosh I was so upset with myself and the situation. Shortly thereafter, like a gift from above, I recieved this mail from the team at NETFLIX, and they shared a list of kid-friendly programs and movies, as well as safety features for us parents to ensure we know what they are consuming, even when we are frantically on deadline or trying to keep our businesses afloat, (in between trying to homeschool our kids!!).

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Resources for at kids home

I am asked multiple times a day for resources like schedules, ideas and links by mummas like me who are (thankfully wise enough to be) staying home, practicing social distancing and self-isolation… and so to make things easier to share I have popped all the resources that have gathered and those that have been shared with me right here on my blog, which you can share and revisit when needed.

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A Mom’s Review | Peugeot 5008 SUV 7 Seater

You won’t believe how many moms I have heard say they don’t want more than two kids because they “don’t want to drive a bus” and “7 seater cars are SO much more expensive“!
Well, may I introduce you to the all new, Peugeot 5008 7 Seater SUV; a revolution for the mom-mobile market!

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Best Birthday party venue for kids! | Jackson’s party

Our precious first-born son turned seven in September and what is a birthday without a party, right?? For nearly a year Jackson has had his heart set on having his party at this awesome spot, and so he was one very happy boy that it was finally happening.

Jackson’s party was essentially a “drop ‘n go” party, and because there were only a total of 9 kiddies (including Jackson, Jordy & Brooke), we collected the kids from school on Friday afternoon and drove them through to the venue. It was at this moment that I fekt incredibly grateful that my brother had offered to come along to help – I do not know how I would have herded 8 kiddies alone. Once the boys were all dressed & ready, Justin met us at school with Brooklyn and we made our way to Umhlanga. Okay I will quit with the suspense and tell you what the awesome party venue that hosted Jackson’s party was… you guys have been very patient 🙂

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Party Planning | POSH EVENTS

I have shared about my love for Natasha Parsons before, but I need to just once again stress the value she brings to my events and parties.
I first met Tash when she reached out to me about getting involved in a Fundraiser I was involved in for Claire Hodgson who was fighting cancer (see post HERE). It is safe to say that this girl crept into my heart there and then… and that is where she has stayed!

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