1, 2, 3… LEGO!

I don’t know about all you other mums, but there are very few other activities that keep my kids engaged and entertained as long as LEGO® does! All three of my children absolutely love LEGO® building, but no one as much as my eldest, Jackson. He truly blows us away with his imagination and creations.

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Resources for at kids home

I am asked multiple times a day for resources like schedules, ideas and links by mummas like me who are (thankfully wise enough to be) staying home, practicing social distancing and self-isolation… and so to make things easier to share I have popped all the resources that have gathered and those that have been shared with me right here on my blog, which you can share and revisit when needed.

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Best Birthday party venue for kids! | Jackson’s party

Our precious first-born son turned seven in September and what is a birthday without a party, right?? For nearly a year Jackson has had his heart set on having his party at this awesome spot, and so he was one very happy boy that it was finally happening.

Jackson’s party was essentially a “drop ‘n go” party, and because there were only a total of 9 kiddies (including Jackson, Jordy & Brooke), we collected the kids from school on Friday afternoon and drove them through to the venue. It was at this moment that I fekt incredibly grateful that my brother had offered to come along to help – I do not know how I would have herded 8 kiddies alone. Once the boys were all dressed & ready, Justin met us at school with Brooklyn and we made our way to Umhlanga. Okay I will quit with the suspense and tell you what the awesome party venue that hosted Jackson’s party was… you guys have been very patient 🙂

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Fireman Birthday Party | Jordy turns FIVE

Pic by BlondeZulu Photography

Our precious Jordan Rock turned FIVE years old this August, and his party theme of choice was a FIREMAN party. It is honestly crazy to think that my sweet, kind and very busy little boy is already half-a-decade in age. What an absolute blessing he is to all our lives… I wrote him a little love letter:

A letter to my precious 5 year-old, second-born child:

To our gorgeous, blue-eyed, white-wispy-blonde-haired little firecracker. 
You are a constant, overflowing ray of light in our every day. You bring joy out of the most ordinary of things or situations. You are the most beautiful example of JOY that I have ever known in my 33 years of life. You have taken five years to learn about how your body moves, or doesn’t/shouldn’t move, having taken years off your mama’s life from all the many dangerous and precarious situations you have put yourself in… but I think you are finally getting there. I do think you are destined to be a thrill seeker, but time will tell and we continue to pray for protection over you always. You love us and everyone you know whole-heartedly, and have a huge and forgiving heart. You have the ability to be the life of the room, and also at the same time to be the most sensitive to those in need of a little extra love. You are just all kinds of wonderful, my boy. Thank you for continually being a little light in our lives, we are blessed by you daily. Love you sooooo much.

Love your mama
Pic by BlondeZulu Photography

We were very spoilt to have had many brands and businesses collaborate on Jordy’s party so that they might show off what they have to offer you and your children’s parties, so please take a look and remember these awesome suppliers for future!

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Party & Event Photographers | BlondeZulu Photography

One of the most essential additions to any of our parties has to be the presence of a professional photographer. Justin and I are so busy entertaining our guests and checking on the kiddies that there is just no time to capture the special moments. One of the reasons I don’t feel sad when a party is over is because I feel so excited to see the pictures that will follow soon after. Tash from POSH recommended the services of Mo Heine from BlondeZulu Photography. It was my first time meeting Mo, but gosh, this stunning blonde certainly impressed me.

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Party Planning | POSH EVENTS

I have shared about my love for Natasha Parsons before, but I need to just once again stress the value she brings to my events and parties.
I first met Tash when she reached out to me about getting involved in a Fundraiser I was involved in for Claire Hodgson who was fighting cancer (see post HERE). It is safe to say that this girl crept into my heart there and then… and that is where she has stayed!

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Party Entertainment | PlayDoh

As moms we know all too well the many benefits of our children playing with PlayDoh, not least of which:

  • Enhances fine motor skill
  • Improves pre-writing skills
  • Creativity and imagination
  • Calming effect
  • Develops hand-eye coordination
  • Social Skills
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Party Entertainment | Coach Learnmore

Coach Learnmore is the most wonderful addition to any birthday party! We have known Coach for about 3 years now, as my boys did Footy with him down at the bottom of Ballito. His magnetic yet humble personality really endeared me to him, and I am so excited to tell you a little about this awesome guy!

Coach Learnmore is the most wonderful soccer coach, who is able to magically manage and keep all the kids entertained and active almost all of the time. A favorite for his is running soccer action and entertainment at kids parties – and he is GREAT at it! It is evident from all the pics just how much frun was had, and thanks to Coach, the kids were kept warm in the cooler weather we had on the day of the party.

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Midlands escape | Travel

There is no better time to connect with loved ones than over a weekend away! Our lives have been so busy this year that we found ourselves really missing our friends the Rosie’s a lot, and agreed that a weekend away was well needed. Left in the more than capable hands of Caley, a quick two night escape was booked & planned in no time, and we had something to look forward to together.

Here are some pics of our special weekend:

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Pirate Party | Jackson turns 6

NOTE: This post is from last year’s party !! Very delayed haha
My boys are almost exactly 2 years apart, and for the longest time they shared birthday parties which made so much sense because they shared many of the same friends and it was silly to spend double, 2 weeks apart. As they have grown older, however, it has become all the more evident that they are very different little personalities, and wanted something very different out of their parties. Jordan Rock is “friends with everyone”. The more the merrier for him as he wound invite everyone he has ever met to his party if possible. Jackson, on the other hand, is far more reserved, with fewer close friends, and when it came to planning their parties last year it was clear that he wanted something small, intimate, and mainly with his closest male-friends from school. He couldn’t not invite two of his best girl-friends too, Chloe and Sophie.
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